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As you approach the shoreline, take in your surroundings. Are you alone, or are there other beings around? What animals and plants do you see? How do you think the multispecies community has changed over time here?
When did it rain last?

Take a minute to consider who currently has easy access to this land, and who might be excluded. Depending on where your site is, you may find it necessary to perform a land acknowledgement as part of your greeting in this space.

Once you have your bearings, approach the water's edge. Your movement practice will begin with some physical observations that seek to further situate you in this space.

Crouch down next to the water, and using both hands, cup some of the water and raise it towards you.

Raise your hands higher than the rest of your body, allowing the water you have held to drain slowly down your arms, falling back towards Earth.

Repeat this gesture two more times.

After this is complete, locate a smooth, small stone and pick it up. You’ll hold onto this as you continue.

