Continue moving down the shore. The spot where you will begin your next sequence should be directly opposite from the spot on the shore where you greeted the water.
For this sequence, you are going to back up about ten feet from the shore. Lay in a plank position on the ground, parallel to the water's edge.
Roll towards the water, stopping right at its edge, facing it.
Looking out across the water, your face should be as low to the ground as possible, so that the water becomes a flat plane.
Imagine your vertebrate ancestors crossing this threshold hundreds of millions of years ago, sparking a series of nearly magical transmogrifications that resulted right back here, with you laying in the mud.
Take note of the reeds, grasses and other plants that sprout along the shore here.
Lay flat on your back, and imagine your body dissolving into the ground.
Imagine the reeds and grasses sprouting up from where your chest is. Bringing your hands to the center of your chest, raise them up to mimic this motion of future growth in your absence.
For this sequence, you are going to back up about ten feet from the shore. Lay in a plank position on the ground, parallel to the water's edge.
Roll towards the water, stopping right at its edge, facing it.
Looking out across the water, your face should be as low to the ground as possible, so that the water becomes a flat plane.
Imagine your vertebrate ancestors crossing this threshold hundreds of millions of years ago, sparking a series of nearly magical transmogrifications that resulted right back here, with you laying in the mud.
Take note of the reeds, grasses and other plants that sprout along the shore here.
Lay flat on your back, and imagine your body dissolving into the ground.
Imagine the reeds and grasses sprouting up from where your chest is. Bringing your hands to the center of your chest, raise them up to mimic this motion of future growth in your absence.